Shopping, wedding dresses and IPA

Since my last post, three things have been brought to my attention – by people who know me well. Rather, people who know me well in this NJ expat life that is now almost coming to an end. They felt that I wasn’t entirely accurate in my description of what I will miss once I am back in Denmark.

Rightly so, here follows three things that I must admit I’ve become rather addicted to over these last two years.

Tj maxx/HomeGoods. Some of you will know what I mean. That time-consuming, money saving (?) and good for last-minute-gifts store very conveniently located five minutes away. What will I do without you… Or you could ask, what will they do without me and my constant entourage of Danish visitors finding bargains and silly items to bring home as souvenirs. The feeling of loss is mutual.


Say Yes to the Dress. I know you are out there. Sneaking episodes of this rather ridiculous and toe cringing show about brides going through all sorts of trouble in order to find the ultimate wedding dress. And I am there with you. But no longer sneaking episodes. I am out of the closet embracing this absurd show which I have become slightly obsessed with. An ideal Friday would find me having a beer and watching a couple of shows while making dinner. Not sure what it is, but I appreciate the drama, the tears and embarrassment these future bridezillas face with their audience in order to finally get the dress. A bit like watching the Eurovision Song Contest without the music.

So yes, I am proudly saying Yes to the Dress!


American IPA. I do enjoy a chilled glass of white wine or sharing a bottle of red with my husband on a Friday night. But give me an IPA on a sunny day and I will be a happy camper. It’s truly been a pleasure to go through the many excellent versions of American IPAs. And I have definitely had my share of after-work-beer (= fyraftensøl) even if I never really worked here. How’s that for irony that I am now going back to work but will not have as many fyraftensøl?


Cheers. It felt good to confess.

2 thoughts on “Shopping, wedding dresses and IPA

  1. Ha ha. TJ Maxx er fantastisk! Vi ender osse derinde lidt for ofte og har vist temmelig mange – øhm – brugbare ting, vi har sparet en formue på, ikke? Rigtig god tur tilbage over Atlanten. Jeg er sikker på at der bliver tid til fyraftens øl derovre ind imellem 🙂

  2. Jep, det bliver svært at undvære alle de gode sager. Måske skulle man sørge for at få noget lignende til Danmark, men det bliver desværre nok aldrig helt det samme. Tak for gode ønsker for turen tilbage. Det er tiltrængt lige nu, hvor det er lidt svært at sige farvel.

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